Aortic Stenosis : Diagnostic Use and Hemodynamic Effects of Dipyridamole
................................................................................................... 7 ORIGINAL PAPERS......................................................................................8 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 9 AIMS..............................................................................................................12 PATIENTS.................................................................................................... 13 METHODS................................................................................................... 14 P h a rm a co lo g ica l stress (Stu dies I V ) ......................................................................14 Ca rd ia c ca th eter iza tio n (Stu d y I ) .............................................................................. 14 E c h o ca rd io g r a ph y (Stu dies I I -V ) .................................................................................15 T h a lliu m -201 spe c t (Stu dies III and I V ) .....................................................................15 C o ro n ary a n g io g r a ph y (Stu dies I-V )..........................................................................15 St a t is t ic s ...................................................................................................................................16 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....................................................................17 He m o d y n a m ic effects o f d ipy rid a m o le ......................................................................17 D e pen d en c e o f a o r tic v a lv e a rea on tra n s v a lv u la r f l o w ........................... 18 N o n in v a siv e a ssessm en t o f co ron a ry a rtery d isea se .......................................20 GENERAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS......................................... 26 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................... 27 REFERENCES............................................................................................. 28 APPENDICES, STUDIES I-V......................................................................33
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